Wednesday, October 2, 2019


The term humanity originates from the word "HUMANITAS" which implies toward attributes or qualities of human beings, these attributes/qualities (which include human nature, kindness, empathy, and sympathy) are considered as humanity and humanity is also defined as the human race every human being in the world.

Humanity teaches ethics and moral values. Individuals do not necessarily have to be blood relatives for expressing sensitivity and kindness towards one another. Humanity needs a kind heart which feels the pain of others.

There are multiple ways to express Humanity. Each expression has its own essence. For instance, to treat people equally more accurately avoiding the thought of superiority (based on casts, sects, religions, complexions, and cultures, etc.). Selflessly helping others and expecting nothing in return. Keeping all grudges aside, even when one finds his/her opponents or enemies in trouble then he/she is supposed to help them without hesitation.

A detailed record of teachings of Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him depicts the act of humanity very appropriately

 One of his kind act was that

An old lady who used to throw garbage over Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him on daily basis and at one day she got suffered from illness and that day she didn't throw the garbage. Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him wondered that why this old lady didn't throw the garbage today. He asked her neighbor where that old lady is.

When he got to know that she is ill then he approached her to ask about her health. The old lady inspired by this act then she reverted to Islam.

note:  The beautiful picture is my creativity to make my essay more meaningful.




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