Friday, March 27, 2020

COVID-19 Prevention Poetry

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Prevention is better than cure,

Be safe and make sure;

Don't shake-hand but wash your hands,

Wash your hands with soap,

20 seconds are enough to cope (with the germs),

Clean the things with disinfectant,

To stay away from the infectants,

Self-quarantine for the recommended days,

So, this virus doesn’t get any prey,

Do household tasks,

Wear the gloves ๐Ÿงค and a mask๐Ÿ˜ท,

The situation is so tough,

When you sneeze or cough,

Having flu, dyspnea, muscle ache, and fever,

See a doctor,

The government has taken the measures,

Every empath is helping the casual workers,

There is a lockdown,

In every town,

The economy is disturbed,

The vaccine is yet to discover but don’t despair,

The vaccine will soon discover,

Pray for the patients to recover,

Buck up the survivors,

Keep social distance,

It's time for repentance,

Turn to God,

Ask forgiveness from Lord,

He wants to listen your words;

And your prayers will definitely be heard,

All the super-heroes are on their duties to serve,

A super salute they deserve,

Their efforts are appreciable,                                          

They are working so hard, really appreciable.

-Sana Ismail

All Super heroes ๐Ÿ‘

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