Friday, March 27, 2020

COVID-19 Prevention Poetry

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Prevention is better than cure,

Be safe and make sure;

Don't shake-hand but wash your hands,

Wash your hands with soap,

20 seconds are enough to cope (with the germs),

Clean the things with disinfectant,

To stay away from the infectants,

Self-quarantine for the recommended days,

So, this virus doesn’t get any prey,

Do household tasks,

Wear the gloves ๐Ÿงค and a mask๐Ÿ˜ท,

The situation is so tough,

When you sneeze or cough,

Having flu, dyspnea, muscle ache, and fever,

See a doctor,

The government has taken the measures,

Every empath is helping the casual workers,

There is a lockdown,

In every town,

The economy is disturbed,

The vaccine is yet to discover but don’t despair,

The vaccine will soon discover,

Pray for the patients to recover,

Buck up the survivors,

Keep social distance,

It's time for repentance,

Turn to God,

Ask forgiveness from Lord,

He wants to listen your words;

And your prayers will definitely be heard,

All the super-heroes are on their duties to serve,

A super salute they deserve,

Their efforts are appreciable,                                          

They are working so hard, really appreciable.

-Sana Ismail

All Super heroes ๐Ÿ‘

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


What is all the fuss?
Corona Virus, Corona Virus,
No sharing of mugs even no hugs,
Because the disease is contagious,
Viruses are inanimate,
The only thing makes it activate,
When they get the human body,
They get ready,
Ready to invade;
And Start proliferate,
So, stay at your home,
Because viruses attack the human genome,
They use the metabolic machinery of human,
And undergo mutation,
No vaccine is introduced,
But the hope is not lost,
Keep yourself clean and maintain hygiene,
Take Precautionary measures,
Prevention of the disease should be the only Focus,
The Scientists and the doctors are trying to eradicate,
Soon vaccine will formulate.

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Its summertime, time to get the full sunshine,
Sun shines with all its rays,
Sending to the earth the scorching heat-waves,
Take free vitamin-D,
Or sit under the tree,
Vacations on the way,
It’s time to visit the bay,
Take the ride on the camel's back,
Set eyes on the rippling waters of the lake,
Some swims in the swimming pool,
No need to wear any wool,
Sun yells with the sunbeams,
Sunbeams tan the skin,
Apply the sunscreen;
And have some ice cream.

Monday, March 16, 2020


Blue Sky, Blue Sky,
It gives space to the clouds to fly,
Air is here,
Air is there,
Air is everywhere,
The clouds when join together,
They make a pleasant weather.

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Friendship is the gift of God,
Without Friendship; life is war,

In Friendship; keep the trust first,
Truth is mandatory; to build the trust

Friday, March 6, 2020


Social media is the most popular technology and nowadays everybody is aware of this term. As its name suggests, it helps in social interaction whether it comes to sharing information or keeping in touch with the loved ones.

There are many social media platforms (which include Facebook, twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, etc.). Therefore, social media has become one of the powerful social networking tool which can be accessed by an Internet-based laptop/ Smartphone/ Computer/ Microcomputer like Tablet. Thus, social media has turned the world into a global village.

Social media is creating awareness as well as panic. Everything has two aspects positive and negative.

Positive aspects of social media include, it makes you aware of the circumstances even if people share information about the less privileged people earning their daily wages with hard work such things get viral in seconds and every empathetic person comes forth to help such needy people. Social media also plays an important role in acquiring education. Acquiring education has now become easy even you can study online free of cost, only you need to have internet access to reach social media.

Whereas the negative aspects include the knowledge/information you acquire through social media can be inauthentic or less authentic. For example the published content can not be factual such as rumors about the famous person or celebrity get viral in no time which affects their honor to a great extent.


What is all the fuss? Corona Virus, Corona Virus, No sharing of mugs even no hugs, Because the disease is contagious, Viruses...