Thursday, December 29, 2022

14 Point of Quaid e Azam in easy words

  1. Equal rights of self-governing will be provided to all the provinces.
  2. The federal system will be a type of future constitution with remaining power in the provinces.
  3. In the country all the legislation will be composed in such a way that each province will get proper representation, and, in any province, the majority will not reduce to a minority or even equality.
  4. In the central legislative, Muslim representatives will be given one-third authority.
  5. Representatives of communal groups will get the right to get separate electorate and also a chance to leave separate electorate at any stage to join any community.
  6. In Punjab, Bengal and, N.W.F.P if any territorial redistribution is made, it must not affect the Muslim majority.
  7. Cultural and religious liberty will be guaranteed to all nations.
  8. In any legislative, no resolution will be passed if a bill or resolution was not adopted by three fourth members of the nation.
  9. Sindh should be detached from the Bombay presidency to a province.
  10. Reforms should be introduced in N.W.F.P and Baluchistan similar to other provinces
  11. Muslims should be given a sufficient share in the Government services and independent federation.
  12. For the security of Muslim cultural religion and civilization should represent sufficient protection.
  13. One-third representation will be guaranteed to the central and provincial cabinet.
  14. No change will be made without the consent of the state.


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